


公开课编号 GKK10450
主讲老师 Dr.J.SethChatfield,陈欣博士
参加费用 168000元
课时安排 1年
近期开课时间 2019-05-10
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Study With U.S.Business Professors In Global Executive Track MBA Program!
有助于提高您的专业和发展 美国的雪兰多大学将在中国上海开办优质,灵活,高竞争性的全球高管MBA硕士课程班。雪兰多大学是一所通过美国南部地区高等教育委员会(SACSCOC)鉴定合格的优质大学。 Shenandoah University,aSACSCOC accredited institution in the United States, will launch a highquality, cost-effective and flexible Global Executive Track MBA programfeaturing classes inShanghai,China,on the campus of Shanghai. 雪兰多大学的商学院是一所拥有AACSB国际认证之杰出学院。美图教授们将前往上海高校进行为期12个月的中英双语授课。 Shenandoah'sAACSB-International certified HarryF.Byrd,Jr.School of Business (BSB) faculty will travel to SJTU toteach, and students will also learn at Shenandoah,with classes conducted in English and/or Mandarin.lt is a12-month program.

学校简介 About Shenandoah University 雪兰多大学 雪兰多大学成立于1875年,是弗吉尼亚州一所名列《美国新闻与世界报道2019年最佳学院排行榜》的顶级私立大学。雪兰多大学目前拥有六个校区,其本部位于美国首都华盛顿以西公75英里的温彻斯特城市。学校约有4000名学生,参与到超过100个研究项目中,师生比例平均为1:10。雪兰多教导并激励其学子成为具有批判性,反思性的终身学习者和富有道德及同情心的世界公民。雪兰多大学是由美国南方学院和学校协会委员会认证,可授予学士学位,硕士和博士学位。大学由下列七所学院组成:文理学院、商学院、护理学院、音乐艺术学院、药学院、专业医疗保健学院以及教育学院。各学院另有专业领域之权威认证。 Establishedin1875, Shenandoah University is a Virginia top-tier private nationaluniversity in rankings included in U.S. News & World Report’s 2019 BestColleges edition. Shenandoah, with a main campus located just 75 miles west ofthe nation’s capital, Washington, D.C,is accredited by the SouthernAssociation of Colleges and Schools Commission to award baccalaureate, master’sand doctorate degrees. With approximately 4,000 students enrolled in more than100 programs of study, seven schools, and six locations throughout NorthernVirginia, the university educates and inspires individuals to be critical,reflective thinkers, lifelong learners and ethical compassionate citizens whoare committed to making responsible contributions within a community, a nationand the world. The university comprises the following schools and colleges: theCollege of Arts and Sciences; School of Business; School of Nursing; ShenandoahConservatory;

商学院简介 About the Harry F. Byrd, Jr. School of Business 雪兰多商学院 雪兰多大学的哈利.伯德商学院是全球权威商管学院联盟(AACSB international)认证合格之优异商学院。全球权威商管学院联盟会是全世界首屈一指导具有顶尖公信度且历史最悠久之商管学院项目认证机构,目前全球仅有5%的商学院获得这项认证。伯德商学院的教导使命是培养具有全球视野、商业道德及个人原则的成功领导者。学院还设有“驻校高管“和”驻校企业家“,以及”领导力及导师辅导社团“,为学生的专业成长以及理论实践相结合搭建平台 ShenandoahUniversity’s Harry F. Byrd, Jr. School of Business is an AACSB International-accredited business school. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools ofBusiness (AACSB) accreditation is the oldest and most recognized in the world,and it has been synonymous with the highest standards of excellence since 1916.Fewer than 5 % of universities in the world have obtained this accolade. The mission of the Byrd School of Business is to educate successful,principled leaders with a global perspective. Hallmarks of the business schoolinclude its caring and academically accomplished faculty and its wealth ofreal-world experiences. The Byrd School also boasts an executive-in-residenceand an entrepreneur-in- residence, as well as the Leadership and MentoringProgram, which creates platforms for students’ professional growth and merges theoreticalconstructs with business and industry.

核心课程 《会议之决策性思维及管理》 《营销管理与战略》 《信息系统管理》 《企业成长与管理》 《财务金融管理》 《运营与物流供应链管理》 《人力资源管理商法及道德思维》 《一体化管理策略方针》 《一带一路》 《中国市场利基与世界经济展望》 名家讲座 Alan B. McKay 商学院院长,药学院创始人,博士 J.Konx Singleton 前任Ionva总裁 著名校友 Justin Wright 诺华公司创新全球主管 Charles Harbaugh lV 弗吉尼亚州中城市市长 Risa Imai Cox 全球改善协会 John Milleson 克拉克银行总裁兼首席执行官 J.Robert Spencer,Kathy Voytko,Laura Woyasz,&Peter J.Herber 百老汇演员 Chris Collins and Wendy Gooditis 弗吉尼亚州众议院议员
课程由高管训练营开始 Begin With The GET-MBA Essentials Bootcamp 高管训练营由雪兰多大学为学员量身定制。课程包括会计、经济、统计等内容。 TheEssentials Bootcamp,organized by SJTU representative,is a six-credit programdesigned for working professionals who are seeking further training inmanagement foundations.The coursework consists of concepts inaccounting,economics and statistics.

项目特色 Program Features 项目总计36个研究生课程学分 获颁雪兰多大学MBA硕士学位 中美教授联合于上海授课(大部分课程是由美国教授承担) 个别化教学 便利专业人员上课之时安排双语面授教学,配现场翻译 无需GMAT和托福英语考试成绩 学制一年,周末学习 美国教授授课可增进演员英语有力 36-cradit program Earn an MBA degree from Shenandoah Univrsity Taught Jointly with SJTU faculty-Shenandoah will teach a significant portion of the prpgram in Shanghai Individualized instruction Flexible intensive weekend schedule Face-to-face instruction GMAT and TOEFL not required Fast-track one-year completion English immersion

入学指南 课程对象 具有一定工作经验的企业中高层管理者,政府机构、事业单位的中高层管理人员等。 入学要求 具有学信网认证的本科或同等学历的申请人; 具有到少五年工作经验或两年高管经验者; 部分申请者需要通过面试; 申请流程 申请雪兰多大学MBA项目需要您完成申请表的填写,并提交相关材料。 索取报名材料,备齐全部申材料后,直接提交到上海办事处。 报名费:8000元 学 费:160000元 提交材料➜入学面试(部分申请者)➜录取通知➜缴费注册 开学时间:2019年5月初 申请材料 申请表(中英皆可) 毕业证书、学位证书复印件 最高学历成绩单 身份证或护照扫描 个人履历 一篇1~2页的文章陈述申请者的专业经验、成就、及创业经历等和申请这个项目的原因及展望 推荐信1封

